There are 65 species divided among 21 genera in the family Ardeidae. They are found on all continents except Antarctica. The ardiedae family consists of the true herons, night herons, tiger herons and bitterns.
The two major characteristics are the presence of powder down and an s-shaped neck. Powder down are downy feathers found in patches on the breast and rump which disintegrates to a powder. This powder is used to preen feathers. The s-shaped neck is an adaptation to hunting fish. A modification in the sixth cervical vertebra allows herons to draw the neck back in an s shape and shoot forward very quickly.
The two major characteristics are the presence of powder down and an s-shaped neck. Powder down are downy feathers found in patches on the breast and rump which disintegrates to a powder. This powder is used to preen feathers. The s-shaped neck is an adaptation to hunting fish. A modification in the sixth cervical vertebra allows herons to draw the neck back in an s shape and shoot forward very quickly.